Unit 1: An Introduction to Physics and Motion
PI 1Apply mathematics to solve elementary physics problems
1.1Identify the seven fundamental SI units and use dimensional analysis to convert units.
1.2Use orders of magnitude to estimate very large or very small quantities.
1.3Use trigonometry to solve right triangle problems.
PI 2.1Use graphs to describe the motion of objects
2.1Differentiate among displacement, distance, velocity, speed, average velocity, average speed, and average acceleration.
2.2Determine the displacement, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average acceleration, and instantaneous acceleration from a graph.
PI 2.2Use kinematics to predict the motion of objects
2.3Use the three basic kinematic equations to describe motion in a straight line under constant acceleration.
2.4Define free fall and apply the kinematic equations to describe the motion of objects in free fall.
Unit 2: Dynamics
PI 3.1Define a vector and resolve a vector into its x and y components
3.1Define a vector and resolve a vector into its x and y components.
3.2Apply the mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication on vectors.
PI 3.2Use vectors to solve 2D kinematic problems
3.3Differentiate among the three types of projectile problems.
3.4Use the kinematic equations to describe the motion of type I projectiles.
3.5Use the kinematic equations to describe the motion of type II projectiles.
3.6Use the kinematic equations to describe the motion of type III projectiles.
3.7Use the kinematic equations to describe the motion of all types of projectiles.
3.8Define frame of reference and use it to solve relative velocity problems.
PI 4.1Use Newton's Laws of Motion to qualitatively describe the forces acting on an object
4.1Differentiate among Newton's Three Laws of Motion and apply the concept of a force.
4.2Draw a free body diagram to represent all forces acting on an object.
PI 4.2Use Newton's Laws of Motion to quantitatively describe the forces acting on an object
4.3Use Newton's Second Law of Motion to describe the motion of an object being acted upon by a force.
4.4Use Newton's Third Law of Motion to describe the motion of a two-object system in contact with each other when acted upon by a force.
4.5Use vectors and free body diagrams to describe the forces involved in equilibrium/statics situations.
4.6Use Newton's Second Law of Motion and free body diagrams to describe the motion of two bodies within a system in a frictionless environment.
PI 4.3Use dynamics to describe the motion of an object
4.7Define the frictional force and differentiate between static and kinetic friction.
4.8Use Newton's Second Law of Motion and free body diagrams to describe the motion of two bodies within a simple system in a friction environment.
4.9Use Newton's Second Law of Motion and free body diagrams to describe the motion of two bodies within a complex system in a friction environment.
Unit 3: Mechanical Energy
PI 5.1Relate energy to work through the Work - Kinetic Energy Theorem
5.1Define energy, the types of energy, and relate energy to work.
5.2Calculate the work done to move an object.
5.3Calculate the mechanical energy (both kinetic and potential) associated with an object.
PI 5.2Use conservation of energy to describe the motion of objects
5.4Use the conservation of mechanical energy to describe the motion of an object.
5.5Use Hooke's Law to describe the motion of an object connected to a spring.
5.6Calculate the potential energy of an object with internal potential energy (e.g., spring, bomb) and use it to describe the object's motion.
PI 5.3Calculate power and use graphical representations of work and power to describe the motion of an object
5.7Calculate the power delivered to an object by a force.
5.8Use graphical representations to determine energy transfer or work done on an object.
Unit 4: Linear Momentum
PI 6.1Use conservation of linear momentum to describe the motion of objects
6.1Calculate the linear momentum of an object and relate it to force using the impulse-momentum theorem.
6.2Use the law of conservation of linear momentum to describe the motion of an object that exerts an external force.
6.3Use graphical representations of force vs. time to predict changes in the momentum of a system.
PI 6.2Describe the motion of objects involved in one dimensional collisions
6.4Use the law of conservation of linear momentum to describe the motion of two objects involved in an inelastic collision.
6.5Use the law of conservation of linear momentum to describe the motion of two objects involved in an elastic collision.
PI 6.3Describe the motion of objects involved in two dimensional collisions
6.6Use the law of conservation of linear momentum to describe the motion of two objects involved in a glancing (2D) collision.
Unit 5: Angular Momentum
PI 7.1Calculate angular variables and use them to describe the motion of an object
7.1Relate the angular variables of position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration to their linear counterparts.
7.2Calculate the centripetal acceleration of an object moving in a circlular path and relate it to the centripetal force.
PI 7.2Use Newton's Law of Gravitation and Kepler's Laws to describe planetary motion
7.3Use Newton's Law of Gravitation to describe the gravitational force of attraction between two objects
7.4Use Newton's Law of Gravitation, Kepler's Laws, and the centripetal force to describe orbital motion.
7.5Use Newton's Law of Gravitation to calculate the gravitational potential energy associated with an object a large distance from Earth.
7.6Use Newton's Law of Gravitation to calculate the escape speed from a planet.
PI 8.1Use torque to describe the motion of rotating objects
8.1Relate torque to force and use it to describe the motion of rotating objects.
PI 8.2Use rotational equilibrium to describe situations in static equilibrium
8.2Use rotational equilibrium to calculate the center of mass of an object or system of objects.
8.3Use rotational equilibrium to describe situations where systems of objects are in static equilibrium.
8.4Use rotational equilibrium to describe situations involving ladders.
PI 8.3Calculate rotational kinetic energy for an object and use it to describe its motion
8.5Relate torque to angular acceleration through the moment of inertia, and calculate a simple object's moment of inertia.
8.6Calculate rotational kinetic inergy for an object and apply it to describe the motion of a rotating object.
PI 8.4Calculate angular momentum and use it to describe the motion of an object
8.7Calculate the angular momentum for an object and apply it to describe the motion of a rotating object.
8.8Use the conservation of angular momentum to describe the motion of a rotating object.
Unit 6: Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves
PI 9.1Describe the motion of objects in simple harmonic motion
9.1Define simple harmonic motion and use it to describe the motion of a harmonic oscillator.
9.2Calculate the period and frequency and describe the motion of a simple harmonic spring oscillator
9.3Calculate the period and frequency and describe the motion of a simple pendulum.