Unit 1: Review of Algebra
PI A1Use simple arithmetic to simplify or solve problems
A1.1Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions with unlike denominators
A1.2Write large and small numbers in scientific notation and expand numbers written in scientific notation
A1.3Apply the order of operations to solve mathematical expressions
PI A2Solve linear equations including systems of linear equations
A2.1Write the equation of a line through two points, as well as lines parallel or perpendicular to a given line
A2.2Graph and solve linear equations
A2.3Solve systems of linear equations using graphing, substitution, and elimination
PI A3.1Define the imaginary number and simplify complex numbers
A3.1Define the imaginary number and simplify complex numbers
PI A3.2Solve quadratic equations
A3.2Solve quadratic equations using graphing, factoring, and the quadratic equation
A3.3Complete the square for a quadratic equation to determine the vertex of a parabola
A3.4Solve complicated quadratic equations
A3.5Factor polynomial functions
PI A3.3Use long division to simplify the division of polynomials
A3.6Use long division to simplify the division of polynomials
Unit 2: Review of Functions
PI A4.1Determine the domain and range of various functions
A4.1Write intervals in interval notation
A4.2Find the domain and range of various functions
PI A4.2Perform operations on functions
A4.3Evaluate and simplify composite functions
A4.4Determine whether a function is even or odd
A4.5Find the inverse of a function, if it exists
PI A5.1Graph and simplify rational expressions
A5.1Graph exponential functions
A5.2Rationalize the denominator of algebraic expressions
A5.3Simplify rational expressions
A5.4Find the zeroes of exponential functions
PI A5.2Use logarithms to simplify and solve exponential functions
A5.5Evaluate logarithmic functions
A5.6Use the Laws of Logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions
A5.7Solve exponential equations
Unit 3: Review of Trigonometry
PI A6.1Use right angle trigonometry to define the six trigonometric ratios
A6.1Relate angles measured in degrees to radians
A6.2Define and evaluate the six simple trigonometric ratios
PI A6.2Graph trigonometric functions and solve trigonometric equations
A6.3Graph the six simple trigonometric functions
A6.4Define and evaluate the inverse trigonometric functions
A6.5Solve trigonometric equations
PI A6.3Use the law of sines and cosines to solve application problems
A6.6Use the Laws of Sines and Cosines to solve application problems
PI A7Use trigonometric formulas to simplify trigonometric expressions
A7.1Use the trigonometric addition formulas to simplify algebraic expressions
A7.2Use the trigonometric double and half angle identities to simplify algebraic expressions
A7.3Use various trigonometric identities to simplify algebraic expressions
Unit 4: Conic Sections
PI 8Express the four conic sections algebraically
A8.1Define the equation of a parabola given a focus and a directrix
A8.2Define the equations of the conic sections ellipse, hyperbola, and circle
A8.3Relate the graphs to the equations of the conic sections
Unit 5: Introduction to Statistics
PI S1Differentiate among natural and sampling variability and identify variables
S1.1Differentiate between natural and sampling variability
S1.2Identify IVPPSS for given situations
S1.3Differentiate among types of variables
PI S2.1Use an exploratory data analysis to summarize a data set
S2.1Identify the parts of an EDA
S2.2Use various graphical tools to describe the shape of a distribution
S2.3Describe the center of a distribution using a variety of descriptors
S2.4Describe the dispersion of the data using range, IQR, variance, and standard deviation
S2.5Identify probable outliers in a sample
PI S2.2Identify and use the proper components within an EDA for a certain situation
S2.6Identify correct situations to use mean vs. median and IQR vs. standard deviation
S2.7Compute the variance and standard deviation for a sample
S2.8Construct and interpret a boxplot for a sample
Unit 6: Normal Distributions
PI S3Use normal distributions to describe sets of numbers
S3.1Identify and describe the properties of a normal distribution
S3.2Standardize a variable into a test statistic using the mean and standard deviation
S3.3Find the area under a standard normal distribution between given values
S3.4Find the value of a measurement from a test statistic, mean, and standard deviation
PI S4Apply the properties of experimental design to carefully control a situation
S4.1Define and identify the important parts of experimental design
S4.2Define and identify the three basic principles of experimental design
S4.3Identify and differentiate among voluntary response, convenience, probability-based, and simple random sampling techniques
S4.4Use a random number table to conduct a simple random sample
PI S5Use sampling distributions to investigate experimental situations#colspan
S5.1Define a sampling distribution and compare it to a sample distribution
S5.2Define standard error and compare it to standard deviation
S5.3Differentiate between statistical accuracy and statistical precision
s5.4Define the central limit theorem and list its assumptions
Unit 7: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
PI S6Create and interpret confidence intervals for parameters
S6.1Define confidence interval in terms of a parameter of interest and margin of error
S6.2Compute various confidence intervals using a Z test statistic
S6.3Interpret various confidence intervals using the Z test statistic
PI S7Identify and use the general steps to completing a hypothesis test and recognize possible errors
S7.1List the general steps to completing a statistical hypothesis test
S7.2Compare and contrast a null hypothesis with an alternative hypothesis
S7.3Relate alpha and beta to Type I and Type II errors
S7.4Define statistical power, relate it to beta, and identify ways to increase it in a hypothesis test
PI S8Differentiate among the common types of one sample hypothesis tests
S8.1Identify the characteristics of a 1-sample Z test and apply it to solve a problem
S8.2Identify the characteristics of a t-distribution and differentiate it from a z-distribution
S8.3Identify the characteristics of a 1-sample t-test and apply it to solve a problem
S8.4Identify the characteristics of a 1-sample comparison of proportions test and apply it to solve a problem
Unit 8: Bivariate Data and Advanced Hypothesis Testing
PI S9Investigate bivariate data and calculate a bivariate EDA
S9.1Classify the association of bivariate data and graph using a scatterplot
S9.2Calculate the correlation coefficient of a set of bivariate data
S9.3Calculate the equation for the line of best fit for bivariate data
S9.4Define residual and calculate residuals for set of data
S9.5Calculate the coefficient of determination for a set of data
PI S10Differentiate among the common types of two sample hypothesis tests
S10.1Identify the characteristics of a 2-sample t-test and apply it to solve a problem
S10.2Identify the characteristics of a matched-pairs t-test and apply it to solve a problem
S10.3Identify the characteristics of a 2-sample comparison of proportions test and apply it to solve a problem
S10.4Identify the characteristics of a chi-squared test and apply it to solve a problem
PI S11Evaluate the results of an Analysis of Variance and draw statistical conclusions
S11.1Identify the characteristics of a 1-way ANOVA and apply it to solve a problem
S11.2Differentiate among the types of dependency that must be avoided to use an ANOVA
Unit 9: Elementary Probability
PI S12.1Use elementary probability and counting to solve simple problems of chance
S12.1Define probability and calculate simple probability
S12.2Draw tree diagrams to solve counting problems
S12.3Use the counting rule to solve elementary probability problems
PI S12.2Use permutations and combinations to count complex situations
S12.4Calculate the number of possible permutations of a set of numbers
S12.5Calculate the number of possible combinations of a set of numbers
PI S12.3Calcualte the mathematical expectation and odds of an event
S12.6Calculate the mathematical expectation of an event
S12.7Calculate the odds in favor of an event occurring
Unit 10: Advanced Probability
PI S13.1Use conditional probability to solve advanced problems of chance
S13.1Define mutually exclusive and identify events that are mutually exclusive
S13.2Use the addition rule of probability to solve problems
S13.3Define conditional probability and use it to solve problems
PI 13.2Use the multiplication rule of probability to solve advanced problems of chance
S13.4Use the multiplication rule of probability in coordination with conditional probability to solve problems
S13.5Use Bayes' Formula to compute the probability of multiple interrelated events
PI S14.1Use the binomial distribution to solve binomial variable problems
S14.1Define discrete random variable and contrast it with a continuous random variable
S14.2Identify binomial variables and use the binomial distribution formula to determine probability
PI S14.2Calculate the mean and variance of a probability distributions
S14.3Calculate the mean of a random variable for a given probability distribution
S14.4Calculate the variance of a random variable for a given probability distribution
S14.5Calculate the mean of the binomial distribution
S14.6Calculate the variance and/or standard deviation of the binomial distribution
PI S14.3Use other probability distributions to solve more advanced problems of chance
S14.7Use the Poisson probability distribution to calculate the probability for a situation
S14.8Use the Hypergeometric probability distribution to calculate the probability for a situation